Microbial catalysis
In microbial catalysis, whole microorganisms (usually yeast or bacteria) are used to convert biomass into the desired product. Through genetic modification of the cell, metabolic engineering, evolutionary adaption, and/or optimization of the conditions for the process (such as temperature, nutrition, oxygenation, etc.), it is possible to control a microorganism to produce the precise product required from the available resources in an efficient manner. It is an iterative process, similar to working on creating an effective enzymatic system, in order to find the perfect microorganism and the perfect process conditions. The final product can be made in oxygenated (aerobic) or oxygen-free (anaerobic) processes. Using an oxygen-free process is also commonly referred to as fermentation.
Researchers in this field at Lund University

Marie Gorwa-Grauslund
Email: marie-francoise [dot] gorwa [at] tmb [dot] lth [dot] se

Ed van Niel
Email: ed [dot] van_niel [at] tmb [dot] lth [dot] se